Originally Posted by cigarclifford
Dam that, that song what was it...Right ....West End Girls......
The UP of MI was the best part for me bye the Great Mac bridge...

I do love the UP also. Really fun to cruise around in the Z up there, if you don't get blown off the bridge on a high wind day
Did a Yugo really get blown off the bridge?
"Yes, it's true... kind of. In 1989 a woman from Royal Oak was driving across the bridge and her Yugo went over the railing and she (and her Yugo) fell to her death. The accident was originally thought to be caused by her speeding, though it was later determined that due to high winds that day the driver panicked and stopped her car. Unfortunately, she stopped it over an open grate in the roadway and the high winds blew up through that grate right under her car."