Well, the place that sold me the wheels said that the process of getting UPS to pay for a new one will take a while and that I should go ahead and put the wheels on, and once they send me a new rim, they will pay for witching the tire on the new rim at a local store of my choice.
Initially I was not going to go through all the trouble of putting the rims on, then taking one off, but since I have a buyer for the stockers, I went ahead and switched to the new wheels.
The process went pretty smoothly, other then running around the neighbors looking for the proper adapter for the torques wrench. Took about 2.5 hours (probably 0.5 hours looking for the adapter). I used the hockey puck trick, which worked really well.
So here are the results. Personally, I love it.
Member of kenchan's "photoshopped mods" and "proper offsets" gang.