Originally Posted by tnav
I guess it depends, I like the older better, I bought the last year which is 2012, I do have Touring and Sport, would not have done it any other way. I love Nismos but they don't come in Touring, so buying one was a huge no, at least for me, matter of taste and needs.
Sports Package has the brakes, wheels, and rev match. If you don't plan on doing aftermarket stuff, I would get it with Sport.
Check them both and see what you like, you can probably get really good deals right now. I do drive a 6-spd, could not do it any other way, but I drive against traffic both ways in OC
Thanks Tnav! ITs good to know that other people from the OC are here

Trust me, I would love to get a manual but it's just too much for me. I go to Laguna Beach every day from work and traffic is just insane and it stresses me out when I have to wrry about driving manual too. Ill have to look farther into the touring AND sport models too. Are the speakers in the touring really good?