Originally Posted by Luciano13
How is the Platinum VIP kit?
I really like it. In combination with stance coils you can still get the car low and make the vehicle functional from a performance perspective. My only gripe with the system is how stiff I have to make the coils to drive, and that's really my fault for going so aggressive with my wheels (I don't want to scratch them up), Im hoping the treat I have in store from Carbon Signal will help solve that issue and allow me to run a wider tire as well as soften the suspension a bit to a more comfortable drive.
Originally Posted by Meulen
those bars look sooooooo SICK! just a thought, but any chance there is some kind of trim strips you can clean up the holes that were cut in the interior panels? would just put it over the top!!!. 
Since this pic I removed the GT spec cross bar and replaced the strut panels. Now you cant see any of the holes and the small hole I drilled on the top of the panel to adjust my coils damping is covered with a body retainer. It really cleans it up.