Originally Posted by 370sed
It's 80-90+ degrees mid summer...
1) I'm at NJMP, or Le Circuit MT, or Calabogie, or Limerock Park for an HPDE. I plan on a full tilt interm/advanced group day of tracking. I don't need an oil cooler?
2) I'm in stop and go traffic in Boston, NY, Phili, etc. The pavement is broiling, the traffic is thick. I don't need a oil cooler?
 in hot  oil
Just my opinion, but if there are questions that one is needed by some significant % of the people that buy the car (and there is apparently) then it should be either standard to err on the side of safety and lessening warranty issues coming up.... or in a 'track pkg' that can be purchased and dealer installed. That way everyone is happy. IOW, not everyone is happy running an engine on the bleeding edge of acceptable temperature ranges, just because the engineers say it's possible and the engine will last (at least until the warranty runs out).
Alternative question. If the Z was a plane, would you be satisfied with the oil temp performance/lack of oil cooler as evidenced by multiple peoples reports on this forum? In that case - your life could depend on it - in the car case, it's potentially (only) your pocketbook.
1. Yeah, but you're
tracking the car. Its been made very clear that if you intend to track the car, an oil cooler is going to be needed.
2. No, not even close
If the Z was a plane, you'd have to fly within the FAA regulated speed limits. The oil temp would be a non issue.