My dealer treated the Nismo I bought about the same as the GTR. Every time I went in there, they would ask people to step away from it if they were leaning on it, touching the glass/paint, etc.
I got kind of mad one day I was in there though, because one of the salesmen was leaning on the spoiler of the Nismo (weeks before I bought it). How could someone be so inconsiderate? I can see touching the paint or glass, or even kicking the door panel while sitting in it...but propping yourself up on the spoiler of a 40k car that "someone" (me, haha) might eventually buy? Ugh.
They wouldn't let me even sit in the GTR, even though they tried to sell it to me. Kinda bummed, oh well.

"Any man who can drive a 370z while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the Z the attention it deserves." Albert Einstein....modified.