Originally Posted by Meulen
nah! just think what you would've lost had you bought that $500k house 7 years ago!  CA is expensive though. I'm just outside of Chicago so some of the areas by me are expensive too. If they aren't expensive, the local taxes will kill you. Personally, I like to have a lot less home than I can afford. Fill it with nice things, and have money left over to go on vacations, buy a nice Z, and enjoy life with a little less stress. 
Ive committed myself to not getting a home in Cali. 500k would be a bit hard for my family since I'm the only income (wife is in school for her RN). But anything less than that puts us in a bad area... Cali is frickin ridiculous in its home values. So were thinking town home, or something along those lines. two car garage is a must though. I'm just tired of renting homes and throwing money into the drain.