Originally Posted by AlexRaymond19
Hey all.
I recently installed a quaife diff, and whileline diff bushings.
This morning when I was leaving for work, I decided to lay a strip when I was pulling out of the driveway. I got some pretty intense wheel hop. It was about 60 degrees out and obviously the tires were not warm yet. Did that have something to do with it? Only other mods I have in that department are swift springs and 11 inch re11's in the rear.
Hopefully I didn't install something wrong...
And I wasn't laying a strip to be a jerk, just wanted to test the new diff ;-)
U're gonna need more than just stiky tyr3z and a Queeef! I still jump 'em on FIRST & SEC0ND w/SOLID SPL rear diif m0untz, OSG Supa LOK, SPL TRAXshn bars, Y0K0 AD08Rz, L0L!...Basically IRS is Nherent to JUMP! My nex+ m0dz r the SPL rear camb3r linx & rear M0n0Ball Bush'nz...mayb3 that will k33p the WHEEL H0P @ BAY