Originally Posted by cigarclifford
Story of my morning today. Driving to work when approaching traffic and
came to a stop at a traffic light. A hot looking Asian girl pulled up in a brand
new Black Camaro....This beyond hot Asian girl then proceeds to start picking
her nose. Hell... they did not give me the nick name Booger Clifford for nothing
I tried in vain to just let it go...Hell no... this Asian girl had her finger bent
at the joint while exploring her nose canal...Sonofabitch... enough............
I blipped the horn once and smiled.........The Asian girl stopped and turned
my way to then smile back and give me the middle finger.........Not to be out
done..........I smiled back while sticking out my tongue and almost touching
my nose........Think Gene Simmons for a second....Light turns green and
off she goes................Need my morning coffee............
hahaha!! dang, she's a booger digger