Originally Posted by Spooler
The only thing you can do is a fluid exchange every 15,000 miles. Even the older cars with the external slave cylinder were hard on fluid. The problem with why the master cylinder goes is due to all of the debris (cooked fluid) ending up in the clutch fluid reservoir. When the CMC may go south is when it is pumped trying to get the clutch back after a CSC failure. If they run dry and are pumped to get the air out, bad ju ju. It is always best to replace them as a set. I have gotten away with only doing the CSC in the older cars many times. If it failed, I could usually make it home as long as I could get the sucker in gear. I wouldn't use the clutch the rest of the way home and prayed for no stops. That is when it get's tricky. I am not sure how these newer cars will react.
True, but IMO the worst thing that can be done, which I bet most people do because of the Z's shitty clutch feel is to hit the pedal to the floor. I bet I can make a CSC fail within 3000 miles if I continuously slammed the pedal to the floor