Originally Posted by Nargrakhan
Just my two cents... I think he might be BS'ing about no one wanting an automatic NISMO. The whole reason why Nissan is offering it in auto, is because automatics (in the US at least) out sell sticks: even when it comes to sports cars. That aside...
From my experience, the preorder deposit is usually 1% the MSRP of what you're asking for or $500 -- whichever is greater. It can be refundable, even if you decide to NOT buy the car, unless you sign a contract that says it's nonrefundable. Also I'm told that in some states, it's refundable by law (and dealers are ignorant of that or fail to mention it).
If the dealer is going to stick by his guns, and say the $500 is because selling an automatic is so hard (which I think is bullcrap): have it in writting that they will refund your $500 deposit after someone else buys it. I doubt they'll NEVER find someone who will buy it... or be unable to trade it to another dealer who does find a buyer with the options you're getting.
This is the 370Z. Available options are far more limited, than compared to something like a Stingray. It's not like you're ordering something with a set of features that no one else would ever imagine of combining. You can't even pick interior colors or seat styles. It's one-size-fits-all with a lot of things.
thanks for your thoughts...agree with you 100%...at 45, done my share of car buying...won't do anything until they give me numbers in writing for my trade...if trade-in is too low will walk and try to sell myself...worse case is that i wait...love the car i have now too...just would love to have a nismo