Originally Posted by Arrvaxx
The first turn is a 360, yes. You come in wide then cut in around the center cone. The thing is that I did 7 runs and this was the only time it ever happened. I don't think that was the highest constant G run through that section. Maybe it was...maybe the other runs were just a little less? I don't know but that needs to get fixed.
Maybe it's just a question of changing fuel level? If you started out at a full tank and ran down to that 3/4 mark by this last run and then hit the starvation, then it all makes sense and it's normal. For road-course stuff I had to top off the tank dead-full before the start of each 30 minute session to avoid issues, and that's on an N/A engine. I imagine with FI you're sucking fuel out of the system a bit faster.
Talk to phunk (CJ Motorsports), they probably can do something for you. I'm not sure what he recommends for both fuel starve issues + FI, it's probably not just the standard Road Race Pump kit. Maybe that + return fuel and a bigger pump?