Originally Posted by kenchan
next time why dont you order the tires directly from tirerack and either have them drop shipped to your tire store, or bring them in yourself? 
I had the local place buy 2 front tires (my alignment was way out and ruined them) They price match and it was easier than worrying about logistics of how to get them to the store.
I had them mounted, but I have a bent front rim and it was holding air just fine until they mounted the new tires. So needless to say it was flat when I got it home. So I ordered a new front rim, and filler her back up and had them mount it, but the tire was ruined from driving on it flat.
They chalked it up to manufacturer defect and got me a new one for free. So today i took the rim over and had the new tire that came in mounted.
The whole process was a few weeks long, and I did my diff right after i got it home so that delayed things as well.
Happy ending though, put a smile on my face. I daily drive a jeep wrangler, so needless to say it was quite exciting going for a spirited drive