Originally Posted by GSS138
Wouldn't worry about placement on first time out homie. It really is a matter of seat time. Now you know what you like about the car and don't. I think the alignment is pretty solid for starts-Although I question your spring rates :P. It's not something you figure out in one month much less a year or two. Just keep wanting "to go fast" haha. Don't make any drastic changes, change one minor thing and see if you like it. Tear it up Ohio!
i could care less. actually i came in 3 out 4 though

. autox is just fun/something to do. i do watch my times though and compare to other similar cars even though scca says my cars more advanced. you can tell whos good so if im only a second or 2 off i know im doing good even though i see their car is more set up with tires etc.
again the springs are setup for the future so i didnt have to buy twice. i know i need aero, tires, etc etc. RS-3's are on the way now and the splitter will be done this weekend and once coils are paid off ill have a aeromotive R2. ill see how the RS-3's do but the rates were picked for slicks in mind.
ill see how the tires do and then ill play with the compression and rebound a click at a time. still not 100% what im looking for though besides a click here and there did what to my times?