Originally Posted by perfectnobody
so basically, they take the amount of tax you pay on a "Z" (i think it's about $3,000 for base plus sports... not 100%) and deduct that from your gross income for the year and you are only taxed on the remaining...
so you are not actually getting$3,000 back, just getting taxed less.
still better than i was expecting in the first place, so it's still great!
Yep, not a true credit like the new home buyers get, but still not bad! Especially when you add it up with mortgage interest, charities, etc.
Don't forget that you may wind up in a lower tax bracket after the deduction.
I'm going to have to look hard at it this year, more than normal. Because of a substantial raise this year, it'll be the first time I'm even close to the next tax bracket. There may be a few lucky charities out there if math is on their side!