E85 Conversion/Winter Wire Tuck Project
Over the cold months I looked around to try and find something to keep myself busy. I started doing a full re polish on the piping and cooler
as well as started looking into a light "O&G style" wire tuck. About this time faceglides E85 numbers showed up. I told myself, "Jesus the kind of kills I could get around here! I'VE GOT TO HAVE THAT!" Immediately it was full speed ahead on what I needed to do to convert to an E85 car, and run reliable (questionably stock block safe) power. Got a 485 Walbro pump and sent it as well as my fuel hanger to Charles at CJ Motorsports. The next week he sent me back a full stage 2 kit plus my modified in tank fuel pump setup.
It was time to get to work installing the goodies. Pulling the old lines out was "kind of" a pain in my @ss on jack stands BUT never the less I told myself if I could install a full turbo kit on four jack stands I could pull out and install a new fuel system. Once I weaved the factory hard line out(in one piece mind you) the rest of it was cake. Charles system fit FLAWLESSLY and the stainless lines were bent perfect AN lines were all cut to perfect lengths; holding the rails in my hand was heaven!
I went to test fit the new injectors and well I ended up with something of this sort
So then began my quest to install NOT ONLY install an E85 system but now take on a FULL engine harness wire tuck!
DIY engine bay wire tuck
Ill keep the wire tuck section short and sweet as I built a DIY thread on it that I would like to continue as soon as I get the engine back in.
Received my new rims in February so I was even more excited! I became the first owner with a Z34(to my knowledge) with VIP Modular VR06's.
I went with +15 all the way around and to my dismay it didn't clear my front sport brakes like I figured so I had to make an emergency trip to Summit for some 20mm wheel spacers I decided to buy two sets and add 20mm square. Also picked up some tires that would legitimately hold this proposed 600 whp.
decided to install a TWM short throw and accent it with a shiny new shift knob from PWJDM. I must say taking off the old shift knob wasn't too bad; a strap wrench will be your best friend though! picked two of them up at my local parts store for $10
This work and SEVERAL unaccounted for headaches (fender rub issues on a 20/40 tire was the biggest problem to solve)

took me up into May, and in the mean time I had scheduled(and re scheduled) several appointments with Dynosty until we FINALLY came to a date that would fit both parties(mostly mine) schedules. I was very excited as it felt like things were finally starting to come together!
SN: don't make fun of my wheel poke >.> some people like hellaunfunctional stance; I prefer a manly stance to each their own! I did this for 2 reasons: I am currently quite interested in potentially running the fly1motorsports wide body kit and I also wanted a tad more wheel base on the car