Originally Posted by Jsmith7861
If you had to solely buy rev match I totally wouldnt, but everything that's included in the sport package make it so worth it.
Oh i'm not knocking the sport at all. When the time is right i'll be swapping my '12 touring for another '12 Tpuring but with Sport and maybe Nav as well and still with a 7AT. After driving even VABAM's a couple weeks ago and while I did so enjoy it at the time, after i got back in my car and realized what i could do with an auto, especially in a non-sport model, i quickly realized that i had nothing to lose and only everythibg to gain. Even if i do swap the diff. To each their own. But that's where i'm at. Another good reason i still havent done any mods this year.
This is all i'm going to say for now...
ZdayZ 2015!!!!