Originally Posted by kenchan
mishuko- i think you are ready to try real detailing juice and tools. 
i got the PC 7424XP, 3 different lake country pads and use the ultimate line compound / polish and the gold wax. once i'm out of compound i'm going to check a sampler of the 105 and see how it goes. I do like the polish though so i might stick with that for now.
for clay i am using mother's (it's yellow too) + mother's QD... it's not bad i just spray some more QD ater i'm done to clean off any residue. i'm going to try the meguiar's QD once i'm done with mother's but i need to source some concentrated QD to make life easier.
this whole cleaning ritual thing is very relaxing... requires lots of elbow greases and time but it's something that puts me in that special place