Originally Posted by jwick
Definitely sounds like a bad install, not sure how one messes up a HFC install but the monkey's at the dealer are not the brightest. I'm actually surprised a dealer would even touch a HFC install in the first place since it's technically illegal to mess with the emission system on a car.
That being said I understand your position and not wanting to get burned again.
I always recommend Berk because it's in my opinion the best combination of performance and value. Outside of that I would have to vote for FI because Tony makes good ****! 
Cool thanx man, I actually got the Z1's there are being delivered today

Yea I had FI RHFC's on my coupe last year and a local Nissan dealer installed those too.

No issues at all.
14 Q50 AWD, ARK, ECUTEK (SEB), Takda,