...in the old days of yore ('68/'69) there was a wonderful tv series that was briefly enlightening and imaginative to a late teen, myself, faced w/the 'nam draft and the hopeful thought of life afterwards: THEN CAME BROSON.
the opening scene to the pilot (tv MOVIE) our hero, my man michael parks (jim bronson), is on a crowded freeway in SF, on his harley, (agreeably, laughably, a sportster), when a sweaty, frustrated commuter besides him axes:
driver: "takin' a trip?"
bronson: "what's that?"
driver: "takin' a trip?"
bronson: "yeah"
driver: "where to?"
bronson: " oh, i don't know...wherever i wind up, i guess"
driver: "MAN, I WISH I WAS YOU!"
bronson: "really?!"
driver: "yeah"
bronson: "WELL, HANG IN THERE..."
...perfect TV MOVIE to have caught up with prior to the NAM ...
mikey parks became my movie hero and i bought a big harley in '75 to try and live the dream...
"...hang in there"...dudes