Originally Posted by njobe89
This is a double edged sword... there are good calories and bad calories you can intake. Just because something might say it was 100 calories it doesn't necessarily mean it will benefit your body.
Honestly just start exercising daily, do a lot of cardio and if you want to lift weights, do low weight but high reps. 15-20 reps of 6+ sets. also, if you can go to the gym early in the morning i would suggest you do that. working out in the morning jump starts your body and you'll feel better as well.
There are fat burners but i'm skeptical about those and i would not recommend them, but they can help you take of weight a little bit.
Just be dedicated and don't pig out and you'll see an improvement.
I've found my clients to greatly differ with this. Some people can count calories and eat twinkies and doughnuts and still lose weight as long as overall calories are lower in deficit. Others, it greatly matters what they eat. I think there are 2 reasons for this.
1. Peoples bodies are different and react to foods/calories differently. Some peoples bodies don't burn stored fat easily, and store processed sugar and carbs as fat more rather than use it for fuel. It's mostly hereditary. In this case you'll need to learn to balance stress, keep your hormones in check and find out what foods work for you.
2. Some people are under educated on this. They don't realize how important it is to eat foods high in nutrition and low in calories. Once they learn about this, they eat more good quality caloric foods and actually feel less hungry. If you don't understand and eat low quality food dieting can be very stressful. You'll feel hungry constantly, and if you don't give in to the urges you'll just increase cortisol levels and your body will still store more fat!