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Old 08-15-2014, 01:09 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Paint Splatter on my door

Washed my Z the other day and was cruising around, when all of a sudden I hit something small on the road and heard a little pop sound. I looked around at the car and didn't notice anything so i thought no big deal.

Next morning i came out and noticed grey paint on my drivers side door...holy crap! heart broken all day. I decided that it could be primer and the paint chipping off from some type of defect. So i took it to the dealership and they looked at it and we decided it was really paint. I was horrified ; (

The good news is that i was able to get all of the paint off without scratching the car. this is what i did...I'm an amateur and have no training on body and paint, so take this advice with warning

I took a metal dog tag and wrapped it in a cotton dinner cloth. then i took some Zaino z6 gloss enhancer spray polish and soaked the painted areas. Carefully i started pushing the edge of the paint spots with the cotton covered dog tag; making sure to soak the areas with Zaino polish. It took about 15 minutes of soaking and scraping, but all of the splatter came off and didn't leave any residue or scratches .....Holy crap my baby is back and looks perfect once again!

Warning - please don't do this and scratch your car, but if you happen to get paint on your Z, I hope my post helps give some clues to getting it cleaned up. I think the key is took take small sections at a time and keep soaking the area with spray on gloss. hope this makes sense....


Last edited by CamTn370Z; 08-15-2014 at 01:13 AM.
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