Originally Posted by 14ZTSport
Must be something new they're teaching in driver's school. Used to be those merging onto the highway were supposed to match the speed of highway traffic AND adjust their speed to merge safely, either speeding up or slowing down. If your town is anything like mine, now the majority of drivers just putt right onto the highway without even looking if anyone is in the space they are pulling into...AND then they act all indignant because I didn't come to a stop so they could enter the highway doing 40mph (70 mph limit).
Oh, and apparently getting to the end of the entrance lane is an automatic right of way to cause every other driver in the area to take evasive action! 
That happens around here as well. Especially the last minute merging maneuver that many drivers pull. And god forbid those bastards don't make it into the lane; they usually straight up block the lane they're stuck in because they refuse to budge until they get their way. So people behind them are scrambling to get from 60+ mph to 0 within the next 40ft or so.
But the 3 times this happened to me this weekend were during cruising speed. Once at 11pm when the highway was actually mostly open.