Originally Posted by jpkirk
the Z to work today. Nice peaceful cruise at 10:00AM, no traffic to speak of, lots of law enforcement lurking though.
that's wat i call geezer hour. 9:15am - 11:45am
Originally Posted by Fuzzzy
Now with the background out of the way: I pulled up to a gas pump today and was totally confused when I couldn't find the gas door release on the floor. Fortunately, my wife was with me and "helpfully" reminded me how to open the gas door on the Z. I can't decide if I just need to drive the Z more or if I need a full-time guardian to lead me through life.
hahaha, this reminds me of when my dealer loaned me a G35 sedan
while i was having another car serviced and had to call the dealership to ask
how to open the gas door while i was at the pump like 11-12 yrs ago