Hey thanks for all your reply guys!
I concur with TreeSemdyZee, the diagram is looking at the plug side.
So we can all agree on Gray/Red wire going to Pink wire (Pin 6)
And Gray/Blue wire going to Blue wire (Pin 16)
I also retract my previous statement that Pin 15 looks empty, it does in fact appear to be under the Pink wire.
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So I am just confused on the last part...Pin 15 (Ground)
Do I just...
1.) Detach the Black wire from the vehicle harness and ground it from there?
2.) Do I connect the black wire from the ASWC harness and connect it to the black wire on the vehicle harness? (Because I already connected the Black wire from the ASWC harness to the "center" screw behind where the storage compartment would go to ground it)