Originally Posted by SlikNik
Decided not to go with the new Nismo. Today I placed an order for a 2015 Z51 Vette, pretty decked out with options and it came to 69,660 + tax. To me, the more I thought of it paying 50K for this Nismo just wasn't worth it and chipping in a little extra ( ok 20K) I get my dream car.
I have to ask if you are dropping that kind of cash, why not go for GTR? Or is gtr just not your cup of tea?
Only reason I ask this is because when I see a corvette (even the new one) on the street. It is nice but I don't really care to have a second look. However when I see a GTR it is way more fascinating. I totally understand we all have our own opinions and I totally respect that. Just curious that is all.