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Old 08-12-2014, 09:57 AM   #28 (permalink)
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Location: Fort Dix, NJ
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Drives: 2010 370Z
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zae757 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by ZeeBabar View Post
If you do not race and just a normal driver who occasionally hits 120 mph on wide safe highways, and you a looking for a cool looking car, love the looks of a 370z,

1. Why pay for a Nismo?
2. Why buy a 2014 when a 2010 looks the same anyway? I doubt the average person could tell the difference.
3. Would not a touring model with 40k mikes from 2010-2013 be a less expensive and better option than a 2014 base middle?
1 - Because of the body kit and other subtle increases in HP
2 - 09-12 look the same (they changed the front bumper in 13 I believe)
3 - I bought a used and it was way cheaper and only had 5k miles on it, so all you have to do is research...thats only if you want to do the work, if not, then go new
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