Originally Posted by GSS138
Phunk you are right as well. And maybe my model of the 4 guys holding the pallet is not good.
Instead. Let's image 4 girls from the Swedish Bikini team holding you up standing on top of the Ark Of The covenant from Raiders of the Lost Ark. IT IS THEIR JOB TO MAKE SURE THE ARK STAYS PERFECTLY LEVEL!
The swimsuit model on the front left corner, is getting tired,so she bends her knees just a little bit. She stops pushing up just a little bit. the weight on the other corners is going to increase a little bit.-but mostly is going to affect her cross weight-the rear right corner.
Now that is much different than if both of the two Bikine Models holding up the front, just let go completely. In that case-theoretically, all weight would have to be transferred to the two rear set of tits(if they don't want the friggin Ark to touch the ground).
However what could also happen, is that when the FL bikini model stops pushing up and bends over, the other girls sense this, and they stop pushing up too. Eventually they all just give up and the focking Ark of the Covenant is laying in the middle of the road.
Fortunately we have a frame on the car. So if the FL is lowered say 1/4" what really ends up happening is that corner sort of becomes a Bikini model and that 15-20 extra pounds gets distributed to the other 3 b1tches because they all are secured with metal beams to each other.
Damn I actually laughed out loud
that is some fun shik