Originally Posted by mike12002us
So, I got a ticket a few weeks ago in the lovely state of Georgia. I was doing 91 in a 70 according to the cop. Being as I live in South Carolina I dont want to have to go back to GA to fight it. I had contacted an attorney to help. They charge $250. I figured I would call the clerk of court myself. I called and told them that I was hoping to get the charge reduced to an offense that would not be sent to the state of SC so it wont go on my insurance. She asked me how much was it worth for them not to report it I didnt know what to say. She then told me if I paid the ticket and paid an extra $150 she wouldnt report anything and would reduce it below a "super speeder". Is this even legal? Im not complaining, Ill pay the extra money to ensure my insurance doesnt get hit but this seems so wrong for a county to try to blatantly take someones money. Any thoughts? has anyone had this happen before? maybe GA does things differently than SC.
Hopefully that's proof enough of how corrupt most state governments are.
Not that I would be complaining, but there's no guarantee that she will hold to that statement. I'd be willing to bet they take the extra money, and that ticket shows up on your record anyway, NOT reduced to a lesser offense.
I would tread carefully.