I'm looking to purchase the dual up facing 12" sub box from zenclosures. From what I read from previous posts their boxes are solid, (heard they can also make my wife's boobies jiggle too)

My question is to anyone that bought a box from zenclosures. I'm getting a stereo system installed in my 370Z by a shop in Chicago and debating either to have the box shipped to the shop or my house. My issue is I need to leave my car at the shop on a Wednesday and need to pick up my car by that Saturday. I'm concerned that if I order the box and have it shipped to the shop they won't get it in time, (I live over a hour from Chicago). I wanted to know how long did it take you to receive your box from start to finish? Also I might just have the shop run the wires for the subs and I'll hook the wires up myself, (should be easy enough). Where are the hookups for the up facing dual 12" box? This way I could have the shop run extra wire so I can hook the subs up myself if need be. Thanks!!!!