Originally Posted by Ghostvette
I don't know what the bullet weight on the Hornady's are, I'm not overly concerned. I shot some Mil Ball out of it once and while the recoil wasn't really that bad, after 100 rounds, the palms stung a bit. My primary carry gun is a 9 because I can put more rounds on target in a shorter amount of time than I can with a .45. I attended a class put on by Ron Pinkus (sp?) and discovered that interesting fact. It seems recoil management is the key, but that's just my
Important thing is what you are comfortable with... 
Hornady low recoil 45s are 185gr which usually is the weight of low recoil 45 rounds in general.
I can shoot 230gr 45 all day comfortably, but that just me.

Got big hands.

For my purposes I rather have a 45 for defensive shooting and a 9 for offensive shooting (i.e. go to war, WROL, SHTF, etc.). Just my
I definitely agree with you on shooting what you are comfortable with. No point in having a defensive firearm (hand gun, shotgun, or rifle) that you hate to shoot. That's why I gave my Kimber Tactical Ultra II to my dad and now have a Springfield XDS (in 45) which I like a lot. If you like to shoot your defensive firearm you'll shoot it more. There is no substitution for practice/training.