Originally Posted by VABAM
Then what is the point of having a .45 ACP. Just my
I shoot 230gr FMJs out of my Springfield XDS.
There is only one load I use that is less than 230gr.
Hornady's 220gr Critical Duty.
Don't mind me, just felt like stirring things up a little. 
I don't know what the bullet weight on the Hornady's are, I'm not overly concerned. I shot some Mil Ball out of it once and while the recoil wasn't really that bad, after 100 rounds, the palms stung a bit. My primary carry gun is a 9 because I can put more rounds on target in a shorter amount of time than I can with a .45. I attended a class put on by Ron Pinkus (sp?) and discovered that interesting fact. It seems recoil management is the key, but that's just my
Important thing is what you are comfortable with...