Sooooooo i'm s@#$ out of luck with my high oil temps is what i'm hearing, right? I would have paid for a track package just as i paid for the sport package but it wasn't offered. I have never been on the track and don't live in a hot climate yet my oil temp has been btween 240 and 260 at times. The dealership says "that's normal, the car should be fine, as long as it doesn't go in the red, nissan builds great engines. We haven't had any other complaints of oil temps" Yeah right pull this leg and it plays Jingle Bells. I love the car and willing to paying for a oil cooler but dont want to void the warranty. I bought this car to DRIVE it, if not i would've bought a cube. I change the(nissan recommended ester) oil approx. every 1500 miles what else can i do?

So basically the sport package i paid for is for stopping quicker, better handling and looks because if i stay on the gas pedal the engine will melt! WTF!