Well, I would think that if someone were to react and shoot someone else, unless they've done LOTS of training, they're going to be panicky and unload a clip as fast as possible. Whether it's .22 or higher, that's going to cause some damage. Ok, one .22 improperly placed can just piss someone off, but a whole clip?
So I guess all I should really say is that if you're going to go with a handgun, make sure you can keep yourself under control so you don't spray bullets, and always aim for center of mass.
Again, this is only to prevent you from killing/injuring someone else. Can't tell you how many stories I see about a random bullet shot from down the block enters a house and hits someone inside. One idiot shot his wall to create a hole for his satellite dish wire/mount and killed his wife outside working in the garden. Yea, I wish I had made that last one up.