Originally Posted by Jsmith7861
Who else? And what time is everyone feeling? I'm thinking 4-5 meet up, cruise, and dinner afterwards. We can go to my place after for a couple drinks and a cigar or 4 if you guys want.
Originally Posted by Darketch
4 is fine, but the earlier the better for me. I need to be home by 7 since I'm a dad lol. Gotta see my kiddos off to be by 8. Want a little bit to hangout with them before bedtime.
Originally Posted by Tigger
I can do 4pm. But I'll have to go after dinner. Too much **** going on that week I need to prep for.
Originally Posted by Running4Mayor
I'm down for a sunday run... a good way to cap off the weekend! What yall thinking for dinner? I'll bring my cigars just in case 
My schedule changed again.

Good news is I'll be here for the week end.

I'm up for a drive and dinner!
Originally Posted by Jsmith7861
Anyone like sushi? Hayashi is pretty epic!
No sushi for me.