Ok, here's the deal. First, I should've just called mag_black to discuss instead of texting. Texting is so informal and can be taken the wrong way and taken out of context. Just to make sure all the facts are laid out, yes- there are several addresses on my paypal account. Unlike most on here, I do not frequently look at this forum and did not see his PM's as to when the springs were sent after I initally sent him the money. It wasn't until they didn't arrive that I thought about the addresses. My initial text were not meant to be blameful, only to state that I thought that he may have sent them to the wrong address. The text was taken the wrong way, obviously, and that's when it escalated. It was not my intention to put the blame initially or solely on him. It was a text of 'S#@T, what do we do about it'. I even said that in the following text. Had I not been at my job, I would have called. It was not until I was told I was basically rude and that it was on me to clear it up with Fedex that I got heated over it. And it wasn't until I talked about posting here that I was left on my own to clear it up that he later offered to help on his end. I even left it at that, said I would do all the work trying to track it down and fix it and to have a nice day, but that I would let people here know about it. Again, just the facts. I felt hung out to dry. I'm sure most of you would feel the same... Again, it comes down to communication. Texting sucks. To mag_black, thanks for calling fedex. Hopefully it can be resolved. If not, you just got a $200 discount on your coilovers
