Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
a few weeks ago the car start with a damn probelm.... they rev very slowly... soo slowly that to hit 60mph its a fcking probelm, and the car dont have no lights on the dash... no check engine... Well when the problem appear i take the car to the dealer and they check the car and tell me that the problem is the K&N drop in filters... apparently when they put the scanner appear one code on storage... i dont remember what code is... Anyway the person who works on my car tell me that he erase the code and the car is working find now but i have to recharge the K&N filters. I pick up my car and the car works like new... I buy the recharge kit and work on the K&N and everything was great... last week the car start with the same sh!t  start to rev slowly again and i proceed to turn off the engine and start again and sometimes the problem disappearsand sometimes the problem still... If i disconnect the battery the problem go and the car runs with no issues but the next day start with the same problem... well i proceed to install the oem drop in filters and the car runs great from Thursday to yesterday... Yesterday start with the same fcking problem and the car have the oem filter.... yesterday i leave the car on the dealer and im waiting for they call to see what they are going to tell me now.... cause the car dont have the K&N filters now... sorry for this testament but im very mad bro!!
Suck that you're having problems with your Z. Good call putting the factory filters back in, I'm interested to hear what the dealership has to say now.
Good luck Carlitos! Keep us posted!