Originally Posted by Limeybastard
... and nothing to do with whats best or what not.
Recent research has concluded that the EU / UK service manuals state a 9000 mile oil change interval. Why does the current US spec 370z state 5K miles?
I am sure the oil over there is the same as here.
I am also aware that US Nissan changed the oil changed service interval on the 2013 + books to 5K from I think 7K.
There is no difference and dark oil is not bad oil. The US public has 3000 on the brain and not enough people know shite about what oil does or how it works. I use a 15000km change per my German dealer. I have a US model car with the same motor. If you track it or spend ALL your time in traffic I could see 5000 mile changes as prudent. Beyond that I wont bother explaining it LOL! This and other forums just have alot of people wasting alot of oil thats about it.
Until an owner does a couple UOA to have some clue about their oils condition over time most owners have no idea what they are talking about and only know what someone said on a forum.
The research and engineering are clear - 3000mi oil changes are not at all a good idea.