question about bass fading in and out
Hello again, Thanks for the help before. I have a new question. I have noticed that my bass seems to fade once and a while. I just noticed this recently. It seems that some days, the bass hits hard. Then on other days
it just doesn't seem to. Almost like it's a volume thing. I was wondering if you have any ideas if you think it may be the hu(kenwood ddx714) or the amp(hd 900-5). I have never heard of either of these units having a bass fading in or out problem. Have searched on the i-net and found no complaints with either. The other day I tried to use a computer program to RTA the sound
levels to bring it more flat. I also noticed that there is a peak around 10k htz with my focal 165 k2p upgraded version, that I can't get around. And I turned off the mid-high selector and I think I may put that back. The program didn't seem as good as when I used to use an actuall RTA machine. I want to fine tune the flatline, but first things first, I need to figure out the
bass fluctuation. Or, maybe it's just me. I am actually thinking of taking out the head unit again and making sure all the wires are correctly installed. The reason for this, is that I originally had someone install the deck for me and it was hooked to the factory speakers and amp. So, I installed the new stuff and just hooked up the wiring harness to have the pre amp outs. I physically unhooked the factory speakers and replaced them, but the wires are still going to the factory harness. Im wondering if I should disconnect that because I am pretty sure the factory amp is still turning on and off with the imputs still routed to the that factory amp. This could be an issue with the HU sending signal to the factory amp and the RCA's to the aftermarket stuff I added. Sorry to be long and drawn out, but I got a lot on my mind about this system, haha.