I do it 5-10 times a week from the 2-3 and 3-4 shift. Rarely 4-5th gear but a couple times a month I am sure. The 1-2 power shift I almost never do since installing the turbos (no reason to bother, its all wheelspin down there). But when the car was still all-motor I used to occasionally. The 1-2 power shift is the hardest to time and I will screw that one up often enough to discourage me from trying frequently. Its easier to do on a prepped track when there is no wheelspin leading into the 1-2 shift.
At 60,000 miles, my trans shifts smooth as butter except for into 5th gear. 5th gear scratches if I try to shift into it super quick. It has been this way since shortly after buying the car. Regular shifting its fine. My 350z was the same way also. I had even worse driving habits with that car because I was younger when I owned it. But the trans always held up minus the 5th gear quick-shifting scratch.
If you have a stock clutch and flywheel, you will get a nasty THUD from the dual mass flywheel bottoming out when you power shift. My differential mounts gave out last year. I was suspect of my engine mounts being worn and replaced them with solid mounts last year also. If you are going to do it just a couple times a week, assuming you do it correctly, you will be fine. But dont be surprised if the flywheel springs bust or drivetrain mounts let go over time.
Last edited by phunk; 07-31-2014 at 11:17 AM.