Originally Posted by cruzthepug
I've been running on my race wheels (no TPMS) for a couple of weeks waiting on my new wheels. I thought it would re-set when put on my new wheels with sensors, maybe not.
Originally Posted by Haboob
IIRC, there still has to be something done with the TMPS's to get them to communicate with the car. They can't just be swapped/installed and good to go.
I'll ask my buddy that did my wheels when he's awake. Still way too early for anyone here.  Except the me... 
wow, that sucks. on my dd i run 2 sets of wheels one set with and one set without tpms tx. i just have to drive it around the block with the set with tpms and the system resets itself.
another reason why im glad i dont run tpms on my Z. that would just drive
me insane.

i put a circle e-tape over the lamp.
