I box them in when they are in the process of being a d!ckbag. I usually stop better, turn better, and accelerate faster than they can, so it's kinda like playing witha trapped mouse lol. The last guy bothering me was some old truck that damn near crushed my rear bumper while I was cruising at 35mph (the posted speed limit) on a 4 lane road. He did not try to pass, just rode my *** all the way up the street, slowing down then damn near ramming me. I see he has to turn after a mile of doing this and immedietly cut into his turn lane. I come to a complete stop and leasurely turn off my TCS. I revved her up to about 6k and dropped the clutch spitting dirt and rubber all over the front of his truck while wifey yelled at me. I then proceeded to enter a gated community. I'm pretty sure he wasn't happy at all, neither was my Wife, but I had a pretty smug smile as I parked.
Old Car:GTM TSC'd 550whp / 410lbft tq @ 11.88PSI
New Car: Under Construction
