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Old 07-24-2014, 10:12 AM   #88 (permalink)
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Location: Ontario, Canada
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Drives: 2011 - 370z - Manual
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Originally Posted by kirakira View Post
Can you tell me which RIMs can be used with the 370z without having to do anything to the breaks? I'm not looking for anything expensive or fancy since it's winter time after all...

Thank you
Wheels guys would know more about this. But in general it all depends on the type of rim, the design, spoke style, material thickness, etc..

Depending on what you buy, the rim specs to clear your brakes will vary.

Originally Posted by kirakira View Post
In general, do small potholes and bumps damage the car in any way? I'm driving down don mills road south to go to work and back up after work and there are really small pot holes, nothing too serious but I'm afraid in the long run, something will break...
Pot holes and bumps are sometimes hard to avoid. Crazy people like me will take a mental note and plan a route around sections that have pot holes.

Any pot holes is never good for the car, but this is Canada. We are going to have them all year round. treat it as wear and tear.
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