Originally Posted by Jwaite90
Move the thread if it's in the wrong place, I dont have time to look through hundreds of pages. Anywho.. I got a jdmpassword shift knob, the brass type 2
Password:JDM Brass Shift Knob Type II (Nissan 370Z) | Password JDM
For some reasom, the 1-6 shift pattern on top of the knob is not lining up correctly, the pattern is vertical rather than horizontal. Im thinking its the column underneath the boot, possibly got turned a bit at some point. Any clues? Am i safe to vise grip that column underneath and carefully line it back up? Or should I not take any chances and just live with the vertical pattern?
I have the same issue too. I used a lot of Telfon tape on the shifter to the point you get to the right position and it's tight.