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Old 07-21-2014, 01:25 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by IDZRVIT View Post
Every time you start your car there is wear. When you start your car, regardless of what type of oil you use, you only have boundary lubrication i.e. metal-to-metal contact between the bearings and the journals. The very thin oil before start up isn't enough to prevent this wear, even though it's very, very minimal but it's still wear. Once the engine is started and pressure has built up in the first few seconds, you have hydrodynamic lubrication i.e. no metal-to-metal contact between the journals and bearings. So, you decide how often you want to start your car.
i just scared that if leave more than 2-3 days-week-2 week, the oil will mostly go down to bottom(even that thin oil have enough time to go away) while of you start every day, the more oil still stick to cylinder. yet reduce the risk of metal-to-metal

The new car at dealer ship dry start for sometimes, but 4-5 dry start then it is picked up is acceptable. On my case, 5 months x 3 times a months=15 times. plus in the next 1-2 years cause i keep car as a collection

PS: is there any else reason for battery tender rather than it dead ? i means battery is only 150$ and i dont mind replace it every year. Z is a very good looking car and it deserve good treatment

Last edited by dkinghl; 07-21-2014 at 01:33 PM.
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