Originally Posted by Modshack
You are in AZ....Dunno how cold it gets there, but you may find if the temps dip below 50 degrees you might have a hard time bringing the oil up to temperature particularly at speed on the highway for any length of time.(this is where the Thermostat is advantageous)

Had the oil cooler for w while now. Even if it is 70 degrees outside it takes the oil 30 minutes to reach 180 degrees. Generally the oil never gets above 170 degrees on my way to work in the mornings, and if it is really cool outside it will not pass 160 degrees.
I have the Stillen "race" oil cooler FYI.
I just want to know if shelling out $90 for the Mocal thermo plate will be a waste of $, if the temps wont change much or enough for it to be justified?