Hey everyone, just got new wheels in an I'm curious what you guys think about the options I have. I have my own opinion but I'd like to see if anyone else has a point of view that might sway my decision.
Thanks for humoring me!

Here is how she currently sits. No center caps, no stickers

Quick mock up of the centercap I have. The other options would require me to rattle can the center caps. Shouldn't be an issue, really.
Click on spoilers to see samples with center caps
( Click to show/hide )
^Silver center caps

^Black center caps

^Bronze center caps, though I'll probably have difficulty getting such an accurate match.
Click on spoilers to see sample of logos with center caps
( Click to show/hide )
^No center cap with logo

^Silver center cap with logo

^Black center cap with logo

^Bronze center cap with logo. Once again will probably have a hard time matching exactly.