Originally Posted by Ghostvette
I call BS. The longer barrel won't increase muzzle velocity, that is a function of the powder that is burned. At that speed, that bullet would come apart on impact, not penetrate. The chamber pressure required to generate that velocity would exceed SAAMI specifications and the gun isn't long for this world. My guess is steel-cored 5.56, since it defeats most armor out there. That's my 
Actually we figured it out on ar15.com. The bullets traveling fast enough and the time it takes for the bullet to hit the plate from start to finish is more powerful then the slower .308 or 8mm Mauser. Like hitting a nail with a hammer vs pushing on the nail with a rock and all your weight. You can get more power with a rock and weight but at a longer time with no penetration. At 3700fps the little 5.56 is actually going fast enough it's exceeding the breaking point of the steel. We can see this from the ar500 actually chipping at the very tip where the round entered.
And I'm not sure where you heard barrel length doesn't increase velocity but that's false. Every inch in a 5.56 is about 200fps. My 10" barrel shooting the same rounds is over 1000fps slower vs his 24".