Originally Posted by IDZRVIT
Why not? Have you ever herad of a petroleum company called "Thrifty Oil"? Probably not because "Thrifty" oil is bottled by Mobil or Shell or other ?????? and just put Thrifty's name on the bottle.
Mobil Oil refinery order desk:
"Hey, Jack! That batch of 500,000 quarts of oil, run 400,000 into our bottles and 100,000 into the Thifty's."
I buy whatever's on sale. Never had an engine failure yet due to an "inferior" oil in 40+ years of owning/maintaining vehicles.
I just do not trust it. It is the or other ?????? that concerns me. A complete unknown. I assume then in 40 years you have used quite a bit of Thrifty oil as it is the cheapest, and no problems. Or what is cheaper than Thrifty if I might ask?