Time for another oil thread.
So I've faithfully Redline oiled everything in my car from the engine oil (with purolator pure1 filter, of course), tranny, and diff since 3k miles based on the recommendation of this forum. About 40k miles later and the car is running fine. I did my own hw on redline and found how it's a group 5 oil and has the ester that Nissan recommends. I've kept using it based on the faith of other users on this forum and on the peace of mind that I'm giving the z the best stuff.
But.. Some engine oil wear tests show redline isn't so great. One shows mobil1 being better, one shows mobil1 being better than royal purple. One shows royal purple being better than both mobil1 and redline, in which this is displayed in this PDF:
So what do you guys think?